Sunday, August 5, 2007

A 10 Year Impression

Everyone talks about the importance of making a good first impression. But even more important than making a good FIRST impression would be to make a good 10-YEARS LATER impression. Yesterday evening I met up with some folks from my high school to start planning our 10 year reunion. And boy did I make an impression!; good one or not is questionable.

I really didn't want to go. We were supposed to be going to my nieces' bday party. I didn't know what to wear. And I had already vowed to myself and my husband that I wasn't going to get too involved. WHY! OH WHY! do I have to get involved?! Why can't I just attend an event and not have to plan the darn thing. But, I was a senior-class officer and felt somewhat of an obligation to help organize our reunion.

A-N-Y-Way... I show up and of course nominate myself to help out and am voted to be the secretary and also part of the committee for researching venues for our main event. SEE! I held myself back; no chairman or co-chair for me. I figured that was a good balance and acceptable to tell Nathan. Everything was going fine and we were all coming up with ideas and making meeting plans etc. And then it happens. My good 10-year impression is tainted.

I reached over to grab my calendar out of my purse and I somersaulted out of my chair onto the floor of the restaurant with my feet in the air. Horrific memories of sophomore year in geometry class when I reached for a pencil on the floor came back to me. Everyone was just looking at me below them in awe. Sooo... I got up and "brushed my shoulder off" and continued with looking to see if I was free in Sept. Good grief! How embarrassing. My friend Courtney leaned over and told me that that was payback for when I pulled the chair out from under her on the drama stage our Junior year. Maybe.

Not exactly the 10-year impression I wanted to make. Oh well. Maybe my cute house will make a better impression when the committee meets here next month. If anyone has ideas for what works and doesn't work for reunions let me know. Obviously! I need all the help I can get.


John said...

My Ten year high school reunion (that i did not go to) was at Cellar's over on Memorial road right in front of Tealridge manor.
It holds a lot of people.
Check them out.

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh....I fell out of the chair and rolled on the floor reading your experience.

I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you thought....everyone falls out of their chair at group gatherings sometime in their life!

Derek said...


not so zen momma said...

At least you didn't start crying. I've had some rather embarrassing moments in my life where the falling was followed by unstoppable weeping. :)