Tuesday, June 9, 2009

5 Dollar footlonnng...

No, this post isn't about cold cut combos. Although, it was one of the only things I craved while pregnant. That and Diet Coke with lime. No, I just get that dang Subway jingle in my head every time I think of what today is; Anna Jane's 5-month birthday. 5 months! Can you believe it? I sure can't. That's like 1 month away from 6 months, which is halfway to the 1 year mark , which is just 17 more years until I might actually get a full night of sleep again. Oh, how the time has flown.

5 month stats:

*6 oz. Today marks when Anna is supposed to start having rice cereal twice a day. Sounds easy enough. However, she refuses to eat it even once a day. The poor teachers at her daycare have quite a time coercing her to even swallow a couple of bites. I just don't know where she gets her stubbornness from. (wink wink). And she definitely got her eating habits from her dad. That girl is the slowest eater. And don't event THINK of feeding her while the TV is on.

*Grabbing for toys, necklaces, hair, hands.
*Chewing on the burp cloth.
*Doing crunches. ALL the time. (One reason I sometimes think we brought the wrong baby home. Nobody in this family exercises on a regular basis. If it weren't for her dad's chin and my pinkie toe, I would be convinced that she was switched at birth with the true Blais baby.
*Curling in a ball and grabbing her feet. Especially in the car seat and in her crib.
*Superbaby with Mommy.
*3-2-1 Blastoff with Daddy.
*Kissing noises. MMMMUah!
*Tummy Zerberts
*Sitting on your lap and lunging herself back and forth.

*Tummy time. Still.
*Putting weight on her legs. I told the daycare teachers, "Homegirl ain't stupid. She knows how much she weighs."
*Anyone messing with her mouth in any way shape or form. (this includes medicine, orajel, showing off the teeth, using a spoon etc.)

Favorite Songs:
Skinnamarinky Dinky Dink
The Good Morning song

Other Stuff:
*Anna Jane has almost (if not already) outgrown the 29 inch limit on her infant car seat, so Nathan and I are in the process of researching a new one. Thus bringing us to now having to put her in a highchair when eating out. And thus bringing us to never eating out again.
*Ever since she came to the age when she should be rolling over - she won't. It seems she thinks to herself, "It was only special when no one else my age could do it. And I'm an above average kind of girl, so there's no need for that anymore." *sigh*
*Anna Jane is not fond of laying on the floor. Tummy or back. She wants to constantly be sitting up, mostly in some one's lap, where she can see all the action.
*She is starting to realize the difference between someone being there and not being there. She knows when she's alone in the room and does NOT like it. And as a child related to me, she lets you know when she doesn't like something.

For your viewing pleasure and to torture her when she's older, here's a video of Anna Jane completing her daily exercises and one of her playing with Daddy. Ignore the commentary. I don't know who the two dorks that filmed it are:

No need for a trainer:

Anna playing with Daddy:

For the grandparents. Anna ate solids. Once.


debbie said...

she is so doing crunches~how cute~i really enjoyed the videos~especially since i haven't had the pleasure of meeting miss anna jane yet~give her a hug & kiss for me~

not so zen momma said...

okay, the crunches are too cute. plus, the commentary is golden.