Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Life As A Barenaked Lady

I saw this tag on a blog friend/IRL friend only during events for this Chick's blog and it says that if I was reading it, I had to do it. While I don't really care about being tagged via reading, I'm fully aware that I haven't actually written anything on my blog other than picture descriptions since the day Anna was born. So I thought this would be fun. (This can also be read: Elizabeth has now returned to work and thus has plenty of time to do worthless things like update people on my every thought and activity because GOOD GAWD THAT BABY was just getting in the way.)

Using only song titles from ONE artist, cleverly answer these questions:

(I will use only titles from my favorite band, the Barenaked Ladies. Some of them may have two answers because it's just to funny not to.)

1. Are you a male or female: "I'll Be That Girl"

2. Describe yourself: I'm pretty "Down To Earth".

3. How do you feel about yourself: I'm kind of a "Celebrity" in my own mind.

4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: "I Live With It Every Day" (I have no exes. I married my first BF.)

5. Describe your current boy/girl situation: "What a Good Boy" or "Lovers In A Dangerous Time" and during golf season, "Have You Seen My Love?"

6. Describe your current location: It's all "Fun and Games" at work and then I'll be "In The Car" with the "Baby Seat."

7. Describe where you want to be: "If I Had A Million Dollars" I'd want to go "Shopping" for "One Week" and come home with a bunch of "Shoebox"es.

8. Your favorite color is: "Running out of Ink" but it's still "Beautiful".

9. You know: how it is in my WW meeting when my "Stomach vs. Heart".

10. What’s the weather like: Eh, "It's All Been Done" .

11. If your life was a television show what would it be called: "Who Needs Sleep"

12. What is life to you: "Life, In a Nutshell" for me is kind of like "When You Dream" and you wake up saying, "Pinch Me"!! Very "Serendipity"-like.

13. What is the best advice you have to give: Depends on my mood. "Rule the World With Love" if I'm in a good mood or "Why Say Anything Nice?" if I'm grumpy.

14. If you could change your name what would you change it to: "Jane" or "Maybe Katie" or I could be risky and try to"Be My Yoko Ono" .

Well, "Thanks, That Was Fun." I'm going to let everyone "Off The Hook" and not tag anyone. But feel free to do the "Same Thing" on your blog. It's "Easy!!" And don't "Blame It On Me" if you start going "Crazy" with the titles and all of the other items on your To-do list go "Unfinished."

Ok. Ok. "Trust Me." "This Is Where It Ends"!!!

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