Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Anna Jane is 3 months old!

Whomever would like to pinch me to wake me up from this deep dream I'm in may do so now because I know that I must be fast asleep in my hospital bed and still drowsy from the pain meds after just introducing my little (okay, okay, not so little. whatev.) bean to the world. There is no possible way that it could actually be three months ago that I first laid eyes on the chubby cheeks that would forever make all other problems, to-dos, and minute details no longer seem important.

My little girl is 3 months old today. I can't seem to figure out why this particular milestone is any different than the last two months in which I've reflected on the same thought; my baby is growing up. But, for some reason, this month is harder than the rest. Maybe it's because she's started going to school. Or because her legs just barely fit into the swing without hanging over. Or maybe because it seems silly to still tell the grocery store inquirers her age in weeks versus months. For whatever reason, though, it seems to be harder and harder to accept that Ms. Anna is growing like a weed.

Although heartbreaking sometimes, there are a lot of super fun things that come with age. Anna is awake more than she sleeps now; which leaves lots of time for talking, singing, smiling and most recently, kicking. Geez! The kicking! It's funny to see her reaction to things she's starting to notice around her like wall art in her room, familiar faces, and her feet with funky socks on them. It never gets old to reap the split second reward of a smile/sigh after long performances in a high pitched baby voice accompanied by exaggerated facial expressions. Oh the joys still to come...

Here are a couple of Anna's 3-month stats and, of course, MORE PICTURES from the past month!! Most of this is probably really really boring, but I like that it's here for me to look back on:

Formula: 5 oz (although she just started 6oz yesterday)

Nakey-time on the changing table (it's seriously funny ya'll)
Watching TV (Dancing With The Stars and basketball)
Sucking on her paci ( then spitting it out, getting it put back in, spitting it out, back in...)
Rolling from her back to her side
Sitting up instead of being held
Daddy-time (totally not fair!)

Having to focus during meal-time (Helll-Lo!! Can you please stop looking around and giggling! You're getting formula everywhere!)
Having to eat before school.
Having her hair washed.
The dreaded cotton ball-eye-cleaning every morning.
The dreaded hair bow bigger than her head (Get over it, girl!)

Favorite Song: If You're Happy and You Know It
A Few Other Milestones:
Sitting in the Bumbo
Sleeping through the night from 10pm to 6am
Just moved up to size 2 nipples and diapers

A video probably interesting to only Nana and me.


Emily said...

It only goes by faster the older they get!

I'm so proud of how both you and Jess have truly treasured the newborn time with your babies. It's so easy to wish the time away when they are so small. Keep enjoying every stage and the happiness and challenges that it brings.

You typed the word nipple. hehe.

not so zen momma said...

Nakey time is awesome.

Anna looks a little like Josh in that video, that mischievous look!

ReRe said...

i so remember you!!! you were preggers with this cutie!