Thursday, April 3, 2008

On second thought...

It may be quite possible that an all night marathon of Jon and Kate +8 episodes may not have been the best choice of entertainment the night before our first infertility appointment.

If I ever make 10 children hold on to a string of colored rings while trekking through Chocolate World, please smack me repeatedly until I swear to never do it again.


Audrey said...

Said a prayer for you and Nate today.......

Emily said...

It's no secret...I can't stand Kate. But I heart Chocolate World.

Good luck today...prayers for you.

Julia said...

Good luck with your appointment today, Liz! I'm thinking about you guys!

Daisy said...

I have never watched that show or any "look at how many kids *I* have" show on mere principle. To me, any more than 3 kids is overkill. Personally, I vote for a couple to have 2 just to replace themselves. I'd like to feel like I'm helping to make up for the Duggars of the world by just having one! Of course, that means that people like the Duggars outnumber, oh, what would you call it? Oh yeah, SANE, RATIONAL people! :oD

I hope your appointment goes well!

not so zen momma said...

Been thinking about you today!