Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Now, I'm no linguistics expert, but that sounds like MaMa to me. I'm kind of surprised, because Nathan and I have actually been working on "Dada" more. And I also had a hunch she might actually say "Nana" first. Not because we've been practicing, but because my mom promised Anna Jane a big savings account in her name if that was her first word. Apparently, my child can't be bought. Yet.
So after getting the second time she said it on video, we called Daddy to share the good news. Then Anna Jane celebrated her achievement by pooping in the ducky tub. *sigh* Motherhood is a roller coaster. Ups and downs all in a matter of 45 minutes.
*Sorry, for the lengthy intro, but I wanted to remember exactly what we were doing when Anna said her first words. I know. I'm a dork.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Because Jessica's not the boss of me...
Go here for your chance to win too.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Seven swans a swimming...
Or just 1 big duck and a 7 month old.
Yep! You heard right. 7 months! And to celebrate her 7 month b-day, Anna Jane got her very own big girl bathtub; complete with quacking beak. And momma? Well, she got her very own splash-free kitchen back. Yes!
Bath time is always a favorite and now the splashing can be frequent and uninhibited.
(sigh) Where to begin? The girl loves it. As in, all day-nothing better-plan your life around-mom and dad going broke-loves it. The day starts with a 4 oz shot of the ole dried milk flakes in a can; followed 30 minutes later by a huge bowl of oatmeal at the daycare because GAH! we're starving her at home. Then a little veggie action mid-morning followed by a big 6 ouncer before nap time. And well, all that sleeping really works up an appetite. So another 6 ounces it is. And because no ride home from the d.c. is fun without a little background screaming and by gosh the world is going to end if you even take your heels off first, another round of veggies is in order immediately.
Oh, but we're not done. The veggies are not enough. No, we must have more. NOW! But, heaven forbid you even waive that nasty, no good, I'm gonna use this bib to strangle myself if you even waive that fruit near this high chair. I demand more veggies and more veggies only. You can say yum yum, pretend to eat, mix something in it, stand on your head, do the hokey pokey, whatever. But, nothing by the name of applesauce, peaches, or pears is going in this mouth. I will, however, take another 6 oz of that formula before I retire for the night.
Faves: Peas, green beans, carrots, squash and sometimes sweet potatoes.
Hates: Anything other than her faves.
*Playing with kitchen utensils.
*Playing "Taggie-On-The-Head" with The Nana.
*Finger painting at school.
*Listening to BNL with Daddy.
*Taking walks with mommy.
*The YMCA water park in Wichita.
*Any and every thing the cousins do.
*Being left in a room by herself.
*Staying in the car-seat.
*Having face wiped after meals.
*Taking a nap at the exact time that Mommy just happens to watch a movie.
*The no-splash zone during bath time.
Other highlights from this month:
*Officially sleeps through the night!
*Has three teeth. All on the bottom center.
*Graduated to 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
*Turns her head to someone calling her name.
*Does "The Penguin" when excited or happy.
*Sits up unassisted and finally puts weight on her legs when you hold her.
*Recognizes familiar songs. Especially, Skinamarink and ABC's.
As always, a few pics from the past month. Because, really, my writing creativity was left at the hospital as a barter agreement for the nurse to hand over my baybeh.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Belly Laughs
Girls Night is always full of good food, virgin pina colodas, girl talk, smiles and lots and lots of laughs. Especially when your cousins find your perfect tickle spot.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Half Pint
Her six month check-up was today and she got glowing reviews; minus the pouty lip frown she gave the nurse when we walked in. My girl's a smart one. She knows where the shots come from. Anna Jane is currently 19 lbs 4 oz (about 98%) and 28in tall (100+%). I guess Nathan and I expected her to be a little taller. She's always so long compared to her classmates, jammies and dresses are always too short (we're in 12mo clothes just for length purposes) and her feet are just barely over the edge of her car seat. The doc was impressed by how well she can sit up unassisted and he cleared us for veggies. I think the people most excited about this are her daycare teachers. They have been chomping at the bit to feed her green beans and peas for almost a month now. So this weekend, we'll see how it goes. My guess is she'll hate peas just as much as her mommy and daddy do. Although, maybe she'll take after her namesake and love them like her Aunt Jane. Blech.
6 month highlights:
Still 6oz of formula with an occasional 8oz before bedtime. This month she's really taken off with the cereal eating. We were a little concerned until we figured out that she just doesn't like rice cereal. So oatmeal it is for our girl. She eats a big bowl everyday at school and then she's hit and miss for the dinner portion. And can I just add that I may be the worst solid food feeder of all time. Nana never makes a mess, the teachers don't make a mess, only me.
* Her feet. Those puppies are the most fun, best tasting things on the planet.
* Books she can eat.
* (sigh) Farting noises.
* Watching TV.
*Peek-A-Boo. Especially with Mrs. Brooke.
* Swimming. Score!
*SLEEPING!!! Nathan made me take this out last month since she was actually doing pretty good. But, this month? It stays in! This may have been the worst month for sleeping since we brought her home. We are LITERALLY up to put her paci back in a minimum of 15 to 20 times a night. Things are looking up though. We've received lots of advice from friends and we may have paci-free sleeping by next month's update.
*Not being able to see you. Can we say separation anxiety?
Favorite Songs:
*Okay, don't laugh. But, the girl loves Gwen Stefani. She loves for mommy or daddy to sing the B-A-N-A-N-A-S part of Holla Back Girl.
* She's also been known to giggle while mommy jams to a little Lady Gaga in the car.
A few pics from the past month:
First time on a park swing. She likes it!
My Nana buys me the best books. See?
Hey Colt, why are our parents trying to give us a bath outside and they keeping calling it "swimming"? And, why are we wearing clothes?
Monday, June 29, 2009
One Fish, Two Fish, Pink Fish, Blue Fish
This gave us a perfect opportunity to try out the new giraffe pool at the Anderson's. It was the first time for both Colt and Anna Jane to go swimming. Looks like we have a couple water babies! Which at least for Anna Jane is a good thing. The Bradshaw clan doesn't take water lightly. You practically have to ski by the age of 6. Okay, Okay, 8. But, still. Water is a requirement. Ask Nathan. He had to learn to float in the lake for a minimum of 5 hours at a time before we were permitted to say "I do". To this day, I still don't know why he puts up with us.
Our lil' fishies in action. Be sure to listen for Colt's Ewok giggle. And always the lady, Anna Jane has a more subtle chuckle to listen for when her swimmin' buddy gets excited.