Thursday, May 22, 2008

You know you're old when... start getting graduation announcements in the mail and you feel obligated to send a card WITH money in it. Ugh! It was way easier when my Mom just wrote the check. Oh well, I guess one day I'll have a little graduate and we'll send out announcements requesting money too.

Graduate from the bottle, graduate from diapers, graduate from Kindergarten.... oh yeah. I could be totally down with that.

PS: Two days in a row blogger! Holla!


Jessica said...

This is soooo much better than yesterday's BORING post. Golf is stupid!!

But, then again, I do love hearing about people beating my husband in something golf-related! In that aspect, Annika, you rock!

And I'll be looking forward to Nathan's Nateorology post about the gigantic tornado in Colorado today...

Emily said...

Your baby won't be graduating from the're going to breastfeed! HA!